Is Journalism Taking a Dive?

The Socioholic
3 min readJul 25, 2024

Has Short-Form Reporting Been Killing the Art of Storytelling?

the death of journalism
Created with Microsoft co-pilot

I enjoy diving into a great story and want to soak up every little detail when I am interested. However, offering information in a bite-sized format has become a new trend.

This new reporting style has effectively begun to boil down essential events worth a deeper dive into horrendously chopped versions that mislead, omit facts, and kill the creative flow, all in the name of more conveniently served content.

I am currently studying journalism and am halfway through my bachelor's degree. I want to write stories that make a difference in today's polarized and often confrontational culture.

So, understandably, the thought that my choice of career ( and source of passion in life) is being slowly driven into extinction is more than just a headline; it's downright chilling.

I can completely understand that people are busy. Demanding schedules call for careful planning and finding clever ways to squeeze the most into a densely packed day, but—and that's a big but— I ask you…

Should we sacrifice quality journalism and the art of storytelling to fit in an extra five minutes of sitting in traffic or yet another counterproductive meeting about workplace productivity?



The Socioholic

Nicole is a lifelong student who loves the written word. She authors content with substance and value on topics ranging from self-reflection to social activism.